The Little John Digester Process
The Little John Digester uses three different Digestive Processes when installed in a Lift Station. These Processes include: Chemical Digestion, Mechanical Digestion and Biological Digestion.
Chemical Digestion
We recycle the existing cleaning chemicals found in grease traps and lift stations such as soaps, detergents, degreasers, stain removal solvents, drain cleaners, fabric softeners and all of the other house hold cleaners that are discarded down the drain every day. Once discarded, these unused household chemicals become stratified or separated in the water column within the lift station and have little to no effect in the digestion process. We have a unique way of blending all of these existing chemicals/components together to further break down the F.O.G. deposits and other matting which commonly occurs in lift stations. This is one of the key components of our Green Technology, recycling discarded chemicals. It is estimated that the chemical digestion accounts for 20 to 25% of the digestion process that will be occurring in the lift station after the Little John Digester is installed.
Mechanical Digestion
The mechanical process works by continuously moving and impacting the solids against the stationary ridges at speeds up to 35 feet per second, and accounts for approximately 70% of the digestion process.
Biological Digestion
The biological digestion process is greatly enhanced by increasing the dissolved oxygen levels and creating a bio-soluble food source in which the bacteria can quickly and easily consume. Aerobic bacteria become highly stimulated and go on a feeding frenzy, reducing the BOD and COD levels by up to 70%. The biological enhancement accounts for up to 10 to 15% of the degradation & digestive process. This entire pretreatment process also reduced odor (H2S) by up to 80%.
Call to Find a Sales Rep Near You Today!

DO2E Waste Water Treatment LLC
29873 Saint Simon Street
Daphne, Alabama 36526
Manufacturing Plant
27472 Wilcox Road
Robertsdale, Alabama. 36567
Office: (850) 698-6805
Mon-Thur: 8:00 AM–5:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM–12:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed